My name is Hanif Adinugroho Widyanto, a final-year undergrad student at President University, Jababeka, majoring in International Business study. I was born at St. Boromeous Hospital, Bandung, on October 23, 1987. In the early years of my life, my father got a scholarship to continue his master's at Curtin University so our family moved and lived at Perth, Australia for about 3 1/2 years. That's when my brother born. I remember that I was just a couple of months away before I celebrated my 5th b'day when we returned to Indonesia. Having spent the year after at my granny's house at Tebet, our family finally settled (until today) at a decent house in Melati Mas Residence, Serpong, Tangerang. My educational background from kindergarten until junior high school was dominated with one name: Al-Azhar BSD. I had such fond memories back then, but it was when I finally got accepted at Taruna Nusantara Senior High School, a semi-military boarding school at Magelang, Central Java, that my life hit its critical u-turn and started to drastically change. I started to realize and identify my 'purpose' as a person in this ever-competitive life, a Moslem in such a changing society, and an Indonesian in a globalized era. Today, I'm currently working on my thesis regarding "Analysis of Major Due Diligence Determinants to Attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) on Toll-Road Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Projects" , which has completely drained my very-limited-capacity-when-it-comes-to-doing-thesis brain, to the extent where I'd rather sleep than working on it (huhuuu,, lousy procrastinator me as always,, I know T_T). On the other hand, I'm also involved with the "International Symposium in Commemoration of 100 Years of National Awakening Day" in Berlin, Germany; an international event which is hosted and organized by my friends at the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in Germany. This blog is just a snapshot of my life's chronicle, and while "I" am naturally gonna be the dominant 'force' in this blog, but my story could also be about you. About the challenging yet amusing life that I always cherish and adore (and hate sometimes ^^;). About every step that I have to take, decisions that I have to make, options and alternatives that I've got to choose (sometimes at a spur-of-the-moment notice!!). But mostly, it's about life in general and how I put things into perspective. This could easily be my story, but one in which (hopefully) you could relate and share with me and the rest of the readers. "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."Now you've heard my A-B-C, so what you think of me? ^__^ |
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Just now I bumped into a very interesting site for those who feel like “knowledgeable" enough to tell apart between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean; while many consider them to be all the same. In, you’re challenged to corroborate whether it is prejudice or impartiality that rules. The site offers eight tests in different categories such as “Faces”, “Traditional Architecture”, and “Food”, to mention a few; each with their distinctive multiple-choice questions.
Well, having some Chinese friends from the Mainland in my university and bearing in mind that I’m a moderate fan of J-Dorama (Japanese soap opera) like “Long Vacation”, “Beach Boys”, “GTO”, “One Litre of Tears”, etc., and also K-Drama (the Korean ones), I tried to attest my knack in distinguishing between the three nationalities (i.e. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) through the tests provided in the site. As a result, by and large, I scored 12 out of 18 faces, which is said to be “Pretty Good” that I “may have a talent”!! Well,, the point of having such a talent - if it should ever be true,, I don't know for sure - perhaps yet,, ;P
Btw, the site does have its backbiting and criticisms though, for it is said to be some sort of political arena and that it would promote racism, or that the site itself is racist. However, as clarified by Dyske Suematsu, the webmaster, the bottom-line is that he thought it would be a funny idea to realize this kind of site; yet at the same time celebrating the similarities and differences among Asians. It's debatable though, as always. But as for me, controversies aside, I just enjoy the site despite the “hullabaloos”… ^__^;
Labels: Reviews
posted by KiD_HaHn! on 1:18 PM  |   0-comment(s)"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not
every man's greed" - Mahatma Gandhi
let's tag along!! |
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