Ooh,, I kinda miss my friends!!
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve made an effort occupying myself with practically any kind of activities that could help me getting rid of the prime adversaries one may meet by chance during holiday: boredom and monotony… So far, watching DVDs and surfing the net have been my only fixed routines to date; lately yet, seems like I’ve had enough and met my breaking point… However, rather auspiciously, there’s an inadvertent experience I encountered recently which I found kind of fulfilling and amusing, yet challenging at once.
Last Saturday looked like any ordinary Saturdays, and turned out that it remained that way until the day passed by. Still, an abrupt request from my father, earlier in the morning, to help him out in giving a web graphical design lecture in the afternoon to Computer Science major students at Bung Karno University (UBK) in Menteng, Jakarta, had somehow colored the rest of the day and gave me a rewarding experience of being a lecturer of such!! What’s more, the college students whom I gave the “lecture” to were 4th year students, who’re like 2 to 3 years older than me!! My God,, just imagine their first impression having me standing in front of the computer lab, giving out an overview on the subject of web-oriented graphical designing – a topic way out of my higher-education course in my university; which is International Business. From the very moment my father introduced me to the rest of the class and told them that I was going to be his assistant for the day, many of the students mocked and made fun of me deliberately at first. I was kind of shocked and discouraged in the first place, especially in view of the fact that my father hadn’t actually told me specifically what to do!! All I knew was just I needed to explain about the process of making a website using whatever software necessary… and that’s all! It seemed like my father really had his sort of faith in me. Thus, my lecture session, with me on the “teaching” side, started on…
In the first place, I was in-between the feeling of uneasy and excitement, with the first mentioned dominating the other. I didn’t know where to start, so I began with myself: the introduction part. Whenever possible, I always tried to put on some I-hope-they-consider-it-as jokes to break the ice. Sometimes, I’d ask one of their names and put it into my practical examples. I started off sharing my understanding about Adobe Photoshop – a leading graphical designing software for image processing – based on the experiences I had, and its correlation with Adobe Image Ready for web designing. Then, I went on explaining about Macromedia Dreamweaver as the HTML editor; a software used to compile the whole information, data, images, and animations into a completed website. In doing so, I used my completed web design on the internet, taken from (the official site of Bank of Indonesia Cooperatives), to which I worked on during holiday last summer, for the example. To my surprise, contrary to what they “did” to me initially, almost all of them were listening to what I had to say for the rest of the course session (or at least as far as I’m aware ;P). Some of them even had questions on what I shared to them, which was very pleasing indeed; the feeling of being appreciated. But in general – as I always been – I spoke way too fast for them to follow. My part of the course began at about 2 PM, and ended after about two and a half hours later. I was thirst to death, yet excited at heart!!
Graphical designing has always been my passion for years, although I’ve never really had any chance to learn it first-hand from the professionals. Until now, all of the stuffs I’m familiar with regarding graphical designing derived from my own trial-and-error sessions, some designing books I read briefly in bookstores, and my computer-geek friends back then in high school. The point is: experience has always been the best teacher. But I don’t dare to say “practice makes perfect”, for I hardly practicing my designing skill due to my “busy schedule” (a.k.a. laziness :P). I only do the activity when I had to, which I consider to be regretful at best.
What really gets into me now is, since I lost the data from my external hard disk recently, it also means I’ve lost all of my designs and portfolios to date, including the current project I’m currently involved with: the 13th Batch (my batch in high school) Official Web Site!! I don’t know what to say about it,, ={
Ohh, and just yesterday, I was called that I was going to do my internship with the President Post in Menara Batavia (Batavia Tower) in Jakarta,, hoho,, we’ll see bout it :D
Design till drop!!
posted by KiD_HaHn! on 2:43 PM  |  

Thursday, September 14, 2006
8:23 AM
KiD: Forever
"LV" Yo!! Long Vacation…!!
Hey y’all,, due to the relentless requests I got from my fans all over the world (hehe,, ;P), looks like I must update my blog,, truth is, I was totally occupied (again) for the last couple of months due to the very demanding and hectic schedule I had during the short semester (told ya!!),, But thank God it’s OVER now, and here I am,, enjoying my lousy whole-month holiday,, x{
I’m rather confused about what I really want as a matter of fact, recalling how eager I was to have this holiday after what I’ve been through during the summer… Yet it turned out that I’m totally bored now… only sitting, waiting, wishing that there’s something worth-doing that can be carried out… plus this flu and cough that don’t seem to end despite of the many kinds of medicines I’ve tried, be it the “traditional” or “contemporary” ones… and on top of everything, out of the blue, both of my 20GB and 40GB hard disk were “broken” somehow due to inexplicable reasons that made me totally desperate bearing in mind I’ve just lost hundreds – if not thousands – of my important data since high school to date!! All of my designs, writings, pictures, MP3s, and lots of other priceless stuffs were just gone astray… blame those in Harco Mangga Dua!! I just don’t get our people’s way
of thinking… when the hard disk crashed and I went there to have it fixed, only because the hard disk that I bought from the store was still covered by the warranty, doesn’t mean that they can just scrap the data inside and simply replace the hard disk with the new one… I don’t need new hard disk for God’s sake…!! It’s the data inside that I wanted them to secure!!
So now, the desperate KiD is trying to find something worth-doing… every now and then all I do is just watching DVDs (just finished watching all of the 5 seasons of “24”), surfing the net, hanging out with friends (can’t do it now due to the illness… uggh!!), and that’s all!! Arrgh,, any idea?! Ohh,, and right now, I'm still waiting for the placement for my 4-month internship (or some call it attachment),, God,,!!
while coughing,
posted by KiD_HaHn! on 8:23 AM  |  